Templates and Printables - My Faith Grows https://myfaithgrows.com/product-category/templates/ Resources for your own creative inspiration Sat, 20 Mar 2021 23:15:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://myfaithgrows.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/cropped-MyFaithGrows-Horizontal_1@2x-32x32.png Templates and Printables - My Faith Grows https://myfaithgrows.com/product-category/templates/ 32 32 Printable Missionary Plaque Template For 1 or 2 Missions https://myfaithgrows.com/product/printable-missionary-plaque/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=printable-missionary-plaque https://myfaithgrows.com/product/printable-missionary-plaque/#respond Sat, 20 Mar 2021 21:04:59 +0000 https://myfaithgrows.com/?post_type=product&p=3724 Printable 8x10" customizeable missionary plaque template for Photoshop or Canva (digital download)

The post Printable Missionary Plaque Template For 1 or 2 Missions appeared first on My Faith Grows.

This printable missionary plaque is a practical, economical, and beautiful alternative to traditional wood and brass plaques. I originally designed these in 2014 for our ward missionaries, and they quickly became treasured keepsakes. They work great for senior couple missionaries as well as young missionaries serving any kind of mission (proselyting, service, etc.) for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

These plaques can be fully customized and printed on a quality home photo printer or by a professional printer. You can display them as is, or frame them to fit any decor, and update them whenever you redecorate!  The cost of printing them is low, too. That means that you can easily print several copies – one for the ward building, one for the family, and more for grandparents and loved ones.

I’ve even included an alternative design for Missionaries who serve in two missions. They’re easily (and inexpensively) updated when plans change!

Please note that this is a digital file, so no physical product will be sent.

The file downloads are available in PSD format for use in Adobe Photoshop. There’s also a Canva template for easy customization with a free account on canva.com if you don’t have access to Photoshop.  Scroll down for handy how-to videos! The fonts used in this design are Libre Baskerville and Montserrat which you can download for free at fonts.google.com if you don’t already have them.

How-To Customize These Files:




How Can I Use This Printable Missionary Plaque Template?

This download is for personal use only. You may print for yourself, your family, or your calling (e.g. members of your class if you are a teacher or the sisters or elders in your ward if you are a leader). For any other use (including sharing the file in digital format, and using it on your own print or digital products) please contact me for a customized license.

*Please note, the product image here shows the printable page layered with greenery and office supplies as a serving suggestion. The download image is of the customizable file only.

Click here to learn more about missionary service here.

The post Printable Missionary Plaque Template For 1 or 2 Missions appeared first on My Faith Grows.

https://myfaithgrows.com/product/printable-missionary-plaque/feed/ 0 3724
Relief Society Compassionate Service Sign-up Template https://myfaithgrows.com/product/compassionate-service-sign-up/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=compassionate-service-sign-up https://myfaithgrows.com/product/compassionate-service-sign-up/#respond Mon, 16 Nov 2020 21:28:11 +0000 https://myfaithgrows.com/?post_type=product&p=3598 Relief Society compassionate service sign-up customizable template (digital download)

The post Relief Society Compassionate Service Sign-up Template appeared first on My Faith Grows.

This Relief Society compassionate service sign-up sheet was designed to serve a young mother after her surgery. The different sections in the form encourage the sisters to serve in ways that fit their individual circumstances. It is available in Word and PDF formats. This makes it easy to either print and go or customize it for sisters in any situation.

Please note that this is a digital file, and no physical product will be sent.

How Can I Use This Relief Society Compassionate Service Sign-up Template?

This download is for personal use only. You may print for yourself, your family, or your calling (e.g. members of your class if you are a teacher or the sisters or elders in your ward if you are a leader). For any other use (including sharing the file in digital format, and using it on your own print or digital products) please contact me for a customized license.

*Please note, the product image here shows the printable page layered with greenery and office supplies as a serving suggestion. The download image is of the printable page only.

Click here to learn more about compassionate service.

The post Relief Society Compassionate Service Sign-up Template appeared first on My Faith Grows.

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